Equine Physiotherapy

As well as being a great way to ensure your horse is moving correctly and comfortably and for general wellbeing, physiotherapy can also be a vital way to manage common conditions that our horses often deal with. Horses that show behavioural issues such as bucking, rearing, reluctance to go forward, toe dragging, tripping, knocking poles, stiffness, poor muscle mass and general poor performance may benefit from physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy can help to deal with:

  • Back problems (e.g. kissing spines)
  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Muscle imbalance or asymmetries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Post-operative rehabilitation
  • Gait abnormalities
  • Diagnosed lameness
  • Nerve damage
  • Joint mobility
  • Correct way of going; improving posture, strength and muscle build
  • Prehabilitation prior to competition (improving performance)
  • General maintenance and wellbeing
  • Management of conditions such as arthritis

The above can all be dealt with by Maddie Robbins Veterinary Physiotherapy through:

  • Massage
  • Myofascial release
  • Stretching
  • Electrotherapy (laser, TENS, pulsed magnetic field therapy)
  • Remedial Exercise Prescription
  • Advice on husbandry

Equine Prices:

Full assessment and treatment (60-90 mins) – £65
*Discounted rate for block bookings/multiple horses at same yard*

Travel costs: A travel charge will apply to any yard outside the 10-mile radius of Rosebush, Pembrokeshire. 

Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in your horse receiving physiotherapy.
Veterinary referral is required prior.